Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I was looking at pictures taken back in my first year of law school. Not surprisingly, I look younger in those pictures, which is actually fine; however, I've really gained some weight…and that bothers me for sure.

Well, I know I look fine despite the extra pounds, but I really want to cut at least 5 lb and get my body toned before graduation, which is an absolute picture-taking event from the beginning to the end.

This gives me almost 4 weeks to reach my goal—I know it's do-able.

I am always good with exercising. I lift at the gym 3 times a week, and I do cardio training at least twice (usually 3 times) a week for 30 to 50 minutes. But there's always room for improvement.

1. Record the weights I lift and systematically build up muscle strength. I used to be good with writing everything down, but I started slacking ever since I lost my notebook at the gym a while ago…
2. Add 5 minutes to both the warm-up run and easy cardio session after lifting
3. Don't skip legs day at the gym. And special thanks to Mentecky who inspired me to start doing legs again.

I have good eating habits in general, but rejecting cookies is just very difficult for me.
1. General Rule: Eat 6 meals a day, 150~300 cal per meal, approximately 1200~1400 cal intake total. Alternative: Just count the total cal intake
2. General Rule: water and coffee only. Exception: alcoholic drink when going out
3. No junk food, especially sweets and fried stuff
4. No eating after 8:30pm—Water and coffee (if desperate) only

Okay lets see what'd happen…


Blogger Wen said...

good luck!

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You feel the same way I feel. hahaha

8:07 AM  
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7:37 PM  

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