Dorothy's Graduation Speech

早安,大家好,我是Dorothy Deng,鄧蔚蓉,謝謝我的爸媽從瑞士趕來參加我的畢業典禮,還有謝謝鄧力仁去機場接他們來。
What you are feeling right now is exactly what I felt on my first day of law school in Professor Farrior’s Tort Class. The only word I would have recognized was my name, and I prayed that I don’t hear it from Professor Farrior’s mouth.
For example, in professor Gildon’s Criminal Procedure class, I learned the 4 ways to maximize a citizen’s right. First, say officer I surrender; second, run naked for some privacy; third, always ask officer are you asking me are you telling me; and fourth, which is the most important one, always always say I want a lawyer. And also in Advocacy I, I learned that public speaking is the second scariest thing for an average person, which is only ranked after snakes.
But the most important thing I’ve learned here at Penn State Dickinson is that, we can all get anything we want, but the degree of how desperate we want it will determine who gets the best. And of course I learned this from my experiences of getting a carrel in the library.
Back when I was a first year, I cut my vacation short from Taipei and got back to Carlisle early for putting my name, and my friends’ names on paper to occupy a carrel; then the rule changed so I camped at the library for three days, and would run to my carrel if I see Professor Fox walking around; then the rule changed again, so I lined up at the door for 5 hours and raced to my targeted carrel when the bell rang. I always got my targeted carrel or at least I’d get one in my targeted area. But of course, there are people who always get better carrels. They cut their vacation shorter, or they start lining up at the door the night before.
So, my point is, receiving rankings in law school is like occupying a carrel in the library. The degree of how a person is desperate to get a super ranking will determine who gets the best. On the other hand, as long as we stay on top of all the readings, writing assignments, and engage in lectures and discussions in class, we all should feel pretty good at the end of the day, even without being at top 10% of the class. But now I really have to clarity something, the majority of you have a better ranking than me. And no I don’t have a job lined up for me after graduation. So I can’t give out any bar exam-taking or career advises. However, I can offer some tips to keep your body fit.
Tip number one, don’t starve; don’t gorge. And of course I’d love to have Fay’s country kitchen breakfast special; Mesenno’s pizza; ice cream from Massy; tons of wings at the Hanover Grill for under 5 dollars, and fried mushrooms at the Carlisle Diner after having some drinks at the Gingerbread man. No we don’t deprive ourselves from having tasty food and good times with friends, but make high calorie food the exception, not the general rule.
Tip number two, always schedule time to exercise at least three times a week. The majority of us will have a busy career in the near future, but don’t let career become the proximate cause of all kinds of health problems. There are ways to exercise efficiently with extremely low cost. Just get a pair of running shoes and jog outside, order a kickboxing or Yoga DVD, or do jump ropes.
I know that everybody will forget the most part of this speech very soon, but if you want to remember anything, please remember these two tips of staying fit. First, don’t starve; don’t gorge. Second, always make time to exercise at least three times a week. By the way, congratulations to Hiroshi for quit smoking.
Finally, I want to especially thank Esthefani and Tammy for always being there for me and treating me like their sister. And now, in conclusion, we’ve made it through law school, and today is our day to celebrate with our friends and family. Congratulations class of 2006.